Young people from Portugal's urban peripheries have often beenrepresented by the media and political institutions through imageof incivility, apathy and violence, with a special focus onracialized youth. Despeti the negative consequences of theserepresentations, new youth cultural agendas have emerged aimingto subvert stereotypes and affirm positive identities. The power ofthese creative practices is mobilized by the state, through publicpolicies, such as the “Programa Escolas” (“Choices Programme”).
/OBJECTIVESPERICREATIVITY aims to understand how the artistic and creativepractices of these young people are incorporated by public policiesfor the purposes of local development, citizen participation and social inclusion.
/METHODOLOGYPERICREATIVITY adopts a multi-sited etnografic approach tosegregated neighborhoods in Lisbon and Porto, using visual andparticipatory methodologies. In addition, community co-creationworkshops will be developed to produce collective and self-reflectivework that enables participants to actively contribute to the final results.
/OUTPUTSPERICREATIVITY will make an important contribution to youthpolicies in Portugal and around the world, bringing positiveimpacts for a new generation of intersectional, participatorypolicies aimed at strengthening youth social emancipation.
Visual identity and design:
Gabriela Leal
Front-end and back-end development:
Joelson Cabral
Content production:
Otávio Raposo, Lígia Ferro, Pedro Varela,
Beatriz Lacerda, Mateus Sadock